Monday, October 28, 2013

exo xoxo group card + autographs

Chen ( exo ) xoxo membercard + autograph

Yoona ( snsd ) run devil run member poster

you get a random mini poster with run devil run

Kara jumping pvc folder

you get this with the taiwanese version of jumping

Bang yong guk ( B.A.P ) badman photocard + autograph

Krystal ( f(x) ) pink tape member card

L (infinite) destiny member card

girls generation pamphlet + autographs all members

this is just a pamphlet that you get with run devil run but all their autographs are on the back just like when you get a group card so...

Baekho (nu'est) sleep talking member card

Girl's Day - female president group card

I think everybody get's this group card ( all the unboxing video's I watched got this card so ...)
+ you also got a poster (folded) with the same picture with this album

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

pixel art on paper niel teen top

because my youtube account has a bad reputation i am now backing up my video's on here.

pixel art on paper NIEL (teen top) took me 4 to 5 hours to make this.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

vixx hyuk membercard hyde

vixx hyuk membercard on and on

B1A4 4th mini album stickers gongchan

SHINee dream girl misconceptions of me onew card + autograph

SHINee dream girl : misconceptions of you jonghyun card + autograph

2ne1 earings

yeah i made myself earings ( pokemon , tmnt, mlp and 2ne1) please don't look at the crappy coloring I still color like a seven year old.


wow first update since May ( I really didn't have anytime to update and no money to buy cd's really...)
but these are the cd's I ordered and received in May .

Monday, May 27, 2013

kpop in Belgian magazine

my dad brought home this magazine even though i don't speak fench because he recognized somebody else than psy on the pictures. 
what i understand of the article is :
the first 3 pages are about psy.
the last 2 about korea china and plastic sugery
 the page were a pink and beast's pictures are on is about something different.
first do they really think that the whole group is on those pictures?
second of all they go on about how kpop is only attractive to teenagers and adults find it crap.
i don't know if i qualify but i'm 20 turning 21 in november i'm not a teenager anymore!
and how all the people in kpop look alike meaning they are plastic android robots.
in other words they find american pop far better aswell as jpop ( am i the only one who listens to both jpop and kpop ( and american pop))
anyway to cut a long article short 
1 they don't like kpop and hope the craze goes over quickly
2 they do like jpop
3 everybody in korea is a plastic robot  

if i understood something wrong because again i don't speak french and you want to correct me or even translate this thing be my guest.


i had this realistic dream, you know when you wake up and go did that just happen or not? I just knew it was a dream because it featured taemin, onew and kai. watch out it's kinda long for a dream but anyway.
the story :
i was standing in the kitchen looking out the window. 

( this is what you see from my kitchen :
my lawn, gate, the busstop, a tree and the field.)

On the field was some sort of horse race going on ( they have done this in reality a couple of years ago, it was a horse jumping championship of some sorts)
I could see a crowd,a stage and people walking around with a horse.
but i could hear myself say "is that minho?" ( from SHINee btw).
i walked out the door and to the gate. 
what happened afterwards wasn't very clear but somehow i ended up giving onew and taemin a tour of my house.
i showed them my room and despite a language barrier i tried to answer all the question they had.
example : onew was pointing to my video player so i went to get a video tape and tried to point out that it was used for playing video tapes. teamin then was having trouble deciphering the wrapper of a candy bar i gave him so i tried to help him and stared pointing to the calorie bar that's on it ( you know where it states how many percent it is of how many calories you should intake on a day .).
this sort of thing went on for god knows how long untill they had to go, so they were out the door.
i felt sad that i just let them go and went after them through my lawn towards the gate.
i opened the gate and just stood there. 10 minutes must have passed scince i let onew and taemin go.
the race was over and there weren't that many people left.
suddenly somebody yelled from the other side of the road : kai!
he was standing at the bus stop and was motioning to me that i had to come to him.
i did and he was trying to tell me with hand gestures that i had to come with him.
i didn't really have time to think about it since a bus stopped ( it's normal we're at a bus stop ^^;) and he grabbed my hand and pulled me on the bus.
the bus closed it's doors and went off.
standing on the bus freaked out but not knowing anything better to do, went and sat on the seat infront of kai because he was searching in a bag for something.
later we switched seats so i was next to him. 
he gave me a letter, written by onew with some scribbles in a different handwriting (teamin).
I didn't understand much about the letter but it was about bringing me to korea.
at that point i started to freak out :  What about my parents, how would i even get out of the country and to korea i din't have my passport!
although i suddenly realized that i was wearing my coat and my passport was in one of the pockets.
Kai was trying to find out the time difference in meanwhile.
so i was sitting there like what the heck when he suddenly tapped my shoulder.
i looked at him with wide eyes because i nearly forgot that he was sitting there.
he pointed to himself then to his watch and then to me.
half understanding what he meant i took his wrist and stared pointing at his watch ( it said 11 pm  (my time)) and i pointed 6 o'clock meaning that it was 6 in the morning in Seoul.
he understood luckily and i went into my shy/ freaking out mode.
i was fidgeting with my nails and  wristbands. during this time kai was sitting there smiling at me like ke knew why they wanted to "kidnap" me or something.
after all this i woke up.

yeah you see i have pretty strange dreams a couple of days before this i had a nightmare which featured junsu (dbsk/jyj). you know that hed plays a part in the musical Elizabeth (and has the part of dead  or something ,i dont really know). and i think that inspired this nightmare.
it started out really nice where i had a part in the school play which was Elizabeth or as it was called in my dream Sisi.
i think that explains why junsu was there, he played his role just as in real life.
when all of a sudden it goes dark and bam ... I'm dead.
i saw myself lying there throat cut open,i saw others lying there dead too but the part that really creeped me out was that somebody ( i never saw who it was ) dawning me and not just a quick skeych no really taking the time to paint me ( while i'm dead).
this dream freaked me out 

so that are all the dreams that i had with somebody from the kpop world in it since the last time that i wrote the other one.
hope you enjoyed my strange dreams .


well not actually my new Cd's (they shipped but i still have to wait a week or so...) but apparently i still haven't put pictures up of those that i got around Easter ( 2 months ago ). so here they are ( don't mind the clutter please :))