Showing posts with label coridel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coridel. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Jessica ( ex- SNSD ) - 2nd mini album Wonderland photocard + autograph and story

 so this is the story you find in this mini album which means i own nothing of it ( coridel does ):
Once upon a time, in a faraway desert,
there lived a young girl named Jess.
Jess loved her desert home. And the desert loved Jess.
The sun hugged her every morning,
the moon shined on her every night
and the twinkeling stars stayed high in the sky all day.
Jess had everything she needed.
But deep inside her heart of hearts,
Jess carried around with her a dream.
Jess dreamt of a land of white.
She wasn't sure what that was, where it was,
but she was sure she would come across it someday.
One day brought with it a gust of cold wind.
"where did that come from ?" Jess wondred.
"where did my warm breeze go?"
Confused, she sat down and hugged her knees.
The wind blew hard once more,
and Jess tumbled round and around in the desert sand.
Startled, Jess got up,
brushed off her hands and spun around.
She saw that the cold wind had ushered her quite the distance
from her desert home.
Indeed, Jess's feet were standing upon a patch of green grass.
How curious.
Always up for an adventure, she set off.
Jess walked.
And skipped.
And danced her way forward.
After what felt like no time at all, she came to a most remarkable site:
a crystal clear lake.
It reflected the sun's rays to make a million rainbows.
Jess was at once blinded by it's brilliance and awakened
to a new thought.
"Was this always here? Was this here he whole time and
I missed out on seeing it every single day ?"
In that moment,
she knew that leaving the desert was the right decision.
Jess had a feeling she was headed in the right direction.
Out of the clear blue, Jess heard the buzz of a gentle bee.
Curious, she followed it.
The buzzing bee led Jess to a set of stone steps.
The stone steps led to a rickety white picket fence.
The fence led to somewhere special, Jess knew.
Jess gently pushed open the rickety white picket fence
and stepped into quite the secret garden.
Florals spread out before her.
Elegant roses, friendly sunflowers, gentle cosmos and all manner
of lush wildflower covered the garden.
This was a dreamer's garden.
Singing birds shyly followed as the buzzing bee
led Jess down the winding path.
"Could there be a more beautiful place than this?"
she asked the buzzing bee.
The bee smiled and flew away.
The singing birds tweeted their own goodbyes and
fluttered on their way.
Jess found herself at the edge of the garden,
facing a question.
"Should I stay?"
It was lovely, but Jess knew this was not her dream.
This was not her land of white.
And so she took one last look, bid farewell and continued on.
Jess felt the slightest of chills in the afternoon sun and thought
she must be getting closer
... when he found herself facing a forest
filled with trees of all kinds.
Jess wondered what awaited her with excitement.
The air inside was cool and the tall, old trees cast a
permanent shadow over all the living things.
Jess liked the silence and she liked the shade.
So she lay on a rock and took a nap.
Jess awoke to a darkness denser than where she fell asleep.
The night had arrived in earnest. So had the chill.
So had the silence.
It was different than when she fell asleep.
The chill was biting and the silence was menacing.
Alone and scared for the first time, Jes cried softly.
A twinkeling star from up high shone
its lights through the trees.
"Would you like a lift?" it asked.
Amazed, she lept and soared above he trees into the night sky.
From the heights, Jess could see it all.
Her desert home, the crystal clear lake,
the secret garden, her cool forest.
They were all in view from her place
above the clouds. She loved them all.
Jess and her star flew and flew.
When they cleared the snow-peaked mountaintops that were
the last obstacle, the star gave Jess a warm wink and let her go.
Jess floated downwards.
She opened her eyes when her feet touched the ground.
What she saw was the most amazing of all sights she'd seen.
It was an open book.
The worn pages promised the story of a lifetime.
Her story. She wanted to see what secrets it held.
... She stepped in.
Jess stood in a winter wonderland .
Jess made it to her land of white.
Soft, puffy snow lay as far as th eye can see.
The light of the moon bounced off the white and created
the illusion of soft daylight. Twinkling stars from above
added to that light.
It was everything Jess had imagined,
everything she had dreamed.
It was magical. And Jess was content.